Looking beyond what you consider to be the morality of the question of abortion for a moment, since it is the white hot center that often burns the recognition of the fact of the matter at stake here is how we do law in this country, not "what's right", then what does today's Supreme Court decision upholding "partial birth abortion" (a bullshit propagandistic misnomer if there ever was one) say about the country we want to live in?
What does it say when what really what happened was Sandra Day O’Connor steps down from the court and the White House chooses/delivers two clearly anti-abortion judges to that court, a White House pushs a moralsided version of the question into the Supreme Court (and pushed is more than kind rendition of what happened), and then in their decision they more or less toss aside 30 years of legal precedent (not moral, legal). Is the argument Bader-Ginsburg is making “legitimate”? I think yes.
It's a sad sad day for LAW in this country. Not just women's rights. But this is keeping with a White House that tramples law, disregards it, makes up where and when need be, filter, choosing, ignoring, manipulating it. Secretizes it. Gonzales. Wolfowitz ( "Bush has full confidence in Wolfowitz") . Rumsfeld. Rove. Cheney. Libby. I mean crap... these are jsut what come to mind off the top of my head... Oh yeah, that whole "habeus corpus" thing too. Oh... and "rendition". I've not seen such a morally corrupt, yet more morally self-righteous clan of hooligans in my life.
And PLEASE, try to step away from a “knee-jerk reaction” of “It’s a woman’s right” or “Fetuses are people too” - these issues are embedded in this decision yes, but by having the lasers of our opposing and bifurcated ideas on the issue focused on annihilating one another it obscures the issue of how the code of law of precedent was supposed to shape their decision on this matter. This is White House bait and switch in classic style.
And it makes you want to crawl into the outwardly collected and almost debonair stylings of Robert's or Alito's perhaps less savvy self and ask "How the fuck did you reconcile this little "detail" about precedence in your decision making?". For the women in my world and the world in general (since the U.S. insists on foisting its morality through everything including foreign policy, health and development dollars through some idealistic moral morass of sexual politicking as "help") I wear black tomorrow. I mourn the loss of their rights. I mourn the loss of the publics' control of their courts.
Look far enough down their throats of those new justices and you'll see the hands of one man shoved so far up their political hemmoroidic assholes as they are used like puppets. And this one man only - speaking from his moral high horse - is not the moral savior of this country, nor is he being a representative of the people but rather being his own perceptions and righteous indignation in selfish action. This remember is the same person that applauds this decision remember but does nothing about the sanctity of life lost at Blacksburg, VA at Virginia Tech. What's wrong with this picture? Welcome to your puppet democracy. Pinnochio had more freedom....The Tin Man more heart, the lion more courage - and without a doubt the scarecrow, more brains.